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How to Make A Way For Sustainable Clothes in Your Wardrobe

How to Make A Way For Sustainable Clothes in Your Wardrobe

While we are in the midst of this revolution of sustainability and we really want to swim into this sea but then we often find ourselves supremely confused about how to go about it. We might want to desperately make the changes that are necessary for leading a sustainable life but it could be quite challenging for we have been into the world of fast fashion for very long. Once you get a hang of the process, things could look very simple but in the beginning, they might come across as intimidating. For the purpose of making it a little easier for you, we have come up with a list of ways in which you can make way for sustainable fashion in your own wardrobe. Read on to find out how you can achieve all your sustainability goals and make this happen! 

  1. Look for Value and Purpose

When we shop for clothing, apparel or pretty much anything, we often throw in pieces in our carts that we don't really need. We often end up buying things because they looked very attractive to us at the moment. Sustainability is all about assessing what we really need and not just mindlessly accumulating items. We must begin by assessing whether or not we really need anything, the purpose that it would solve and what value would it add to our lives. If it does not answer any of the above, then we might not really need it. 

  1. Get Creative 

A sustainable, minimalistic lifestyle fosters creativity like nothing else. When you have very little, you use it very creatively. A few pieces of clothing can go a really long way if they are styled right. You can style the clothes that you own in multiple different ways and end up with fresh outfits every single time. Try to reuse old clothes and items, you can even cut up old clothes and mix and match them in order to make completely different outfits. 

  1. Choose Quality over Quantity

While buying new products, one must maintain the need for quality over quantity. Investing in one good quality garment is a sustainable practice for this garment will stay with us for very long before we finally decide to reuse or recycle it. When we choose quantity over all else, we are then contributing to the piles of clutter lying around in landfills and polluting our oceans. And we don't really want that, do we? 

  1. Switch to Natural and Organic

Switching to natural and organic fabrics can be a great step towards achieving a sustainable wardrobe and eventually, a sustainable lifestyle. Since organic fabrics like hemp are naturally existing and the process of turning fiber to fabric is also natural, it involves much less energy and water in the production. Along with this, organic fabrics are biodegradable and they decompose easily meaning that they won't stay in the pile of waste for long. 

  1. Stick to Reusing and Repurposing 

Reusing and repurposing are the essentials of a sustainable lifestyle. Look out for reusing and repurposing all of the existing clothing that you have. Instead of always going in for buying more stuff, try finding pieces in your wardrobe that can solve the purpose. This way, you make the most of what you have and your wardrobe, as well as your life, stays free from clutter. 

  1. Take Good Care of Your Belongings

For a sustainable lifestyle to exist, you need to maintain all that you have in the best possible manner. You buy less but take the best possible care of your belongings. This way, your clothes, and other items would remain in a usable condition for long and you would not have to get or make new ones very often. 

  1. Opt for Adaptable Fabrics

Season-specific clothing can really add to the heaps of clutter in your wardrobe. Different clothing for all seasons can lead to some serious overcrowding. To avoid these kinds of situations, you can go for adaptable fabrics such as hemp. Hemp is that one fabric that is suitable for all seasons. It will keep your body warm during the chilly winter months and will keep you light and fresh during summers. Adding to that, it is airy and breathable so it becomes a very comfortable choice to go for. 

All in all, sustainability is a journey that you cannot complete within a day. It might take weeks, months, or even years to get where you desire to go but you must start today. With constant efforts, you can be sure to reach the level of sustainability that you wish to get to. Start small, begin with your wardrobe and enter the relaxing and rejuvenating zone of minimalism and sustainability. 

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